Our Dream of 10

In 2013, we launched our supportive employment program (before we even became Residency!). Being a tight-knit group has always allowed us to create a unique environment that's relaxed and lenient, while also challenging in a purposeful way for our staff. 

June 2023 will not only mark 10 years of supportive employment, but will also mark 10k hours of employment that we've offered as an organization. This important conjunction inspired us to dream of more: 10 Residency Mindset Trauma Therapy Program participants. 

All individuals, but especially women, who have experienced homelessness experience a much higher risk of mental health issues, chronic illnesses, and social isolation. Not only that, but therapy is difficult to start financially and logistically for anyone, but especially those struggling and alone. Our priority-access therapy network allows us to provide almost immediate access to long-term therapists for next to no charge ($5 per session). 

Now that we've launched our RM Therapy Program with over 15 completed sessions, we're ready to expand our program and services to more people who need it most. Currently, our therapy network allows us to scale up based on our capabilities and we're dreaming of 10 participants. 

Our therapists work with participants on an individual basis, offering personal counseling tailored to their needs and experiences. We act as the overseers and connectors for the various moving parts, while remaining in consultation with participants and staff. 

Expanding this program is our dream and we're grateful for your support! There's only one way to make a dream a reality, and that's through consistent hard work and belief, and we'll be working!


"Why are therapy and mindset important to me? As I write this, April 18, 2022 will be my six-year work anniversary and I can’t believe it’s been that long. For years, I didn’t understand how much I needed therapy and how in a way I was avoiding it. Now, I believe therapy and mindset are important for me because they make me accountable for my well-being and help me deal with the hard feelings of the past. I have Tyler and Hughie to thank for being examples.”

Nikki Moore

We wouldn't be here today if it weren't for our extended network of partners and supporters. All donations go directly toward supporting women transitioning into permanent housing. Donate and/or subscribe below to become a part of our Residency family!